Wednesday, March 18, 2009


We have visited a lot of schools and have been on the lookout for Australian Icons so naturally for schools we have been looking for the Indian equivalent of the “Lollipop Lady”.

For readers from other countries or states that do not know who the Lollipop Lady is she is the ever vigilant person who mans (womans/persons??) the pedestrian crossings outside schools before and after school. She is armed with a giant lollipop stick with 'STOP' written on it and boldly marches out in front of traffic to stop it and allow children safe passage across the road.

It was with great joy that as we were leaving a school last week, just as the kids were leaving, we spotted him. We have affectionately called him “Stick Man”.

In line with our comments on the ‘Mystery of the Lines’ we want you to let your imagination go wild and imagine the chaos at the front gate of a school in India and how inadequate the Lollipop Lady would be in this situation.

Enter Stick Man – an elderly Indian gentleman armed with a metre long piece of highly polished bamboo. As cars failed to stop or stopped in the wrong place, he gave the bonnet a sharp rap with his cane and the cars we saw soon moved on.

The scenes of chaos soon turned to order as Stick Man moved swiftly among the cars.

So goodbye Lollipop Lady and hello Stick Man.

Lynn wishes to dispute some of the finer points that are written re Job of the Week but I can only report what I see.

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