Thursday, August 13, 2009

Blog pause

Sorry for the delay in posting.

Last few days have been very hectic. We fly out of India tomorrow morning for a three day break in Singapore before arriving back in BrisVegas on Friday morning.

May be able to answer a few more of agr's questions from Singapore but no promises.

Questions 21-27 have been submitted by agr so stay tuned for the answers plus some news about our many farewell parties we had.

Question 20

agr's question: "What is your view of the Madras Diocese of the Church of South India?"

I have been encouraged by what I have seen. The range of services they provide is extensive. Their focus on Mission and Evangelism is quite incredible and the way they send missionaries into the villages to live with and help the people is a great model.

The sacrifice that is made to meet the needs of others has challenged me.

Question 19

agr's question: "Some advice for me and my community?"

A community seems to be made up of people headed in the same direction but not necessarily all thinking the same so what direction do you and the Hostel want to go?

agr and I have spoken about the force of 91 girls wanting to head in the same direction and the impact that would have on the greater school community at CSI Jessie Moses.

Most girls here know what they want but at the moment they are individuals. The Hostel community needs leaders to focus the group but not to take control. Community is a gentle moving of people as they see what they have to offer each other and those outside their particular community.

The next question for agr and the Hostel girls is how do they as individuals influence each other to focus on the common community good rather than on the individual good.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Question 18

agr's question: "Who is the most highly regarded person in your life other than IW and God"

The short answer is there is no definitive answer.

There have been many people in my life that I look up to and regard highly, who because of their actions have helped me to grow in my understanding of who I am.

I guess I should stop sitting on the fence as I know in my mind there is one person who has exhibited God's grace to me and taught me more about grace than anyone else.

To find out the name just click and drag the mouse between the two asterisks below.

* Ken Neill *

agr away

Sorry for the delay in questions from agr but she returned home for her sister's wedding. She arrived back last night with a sheet of paper with 11 questions on it for us. We will try to get them up as soon as possible, so expect a bundle of new posts over the next few days.

We only have four days left so it is one of those happy/sad occasions. A bit like seeing your mother-in-law drive off a cliff in your brand new Mercedes.

Thursday night we are having a party for the girls. They are busy preparing all sorts of entertainment that they will not tell us about so it should be a fun night. AM might have to do some action songs for them.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Question 17

agr's question: "Having worked through the de-briefing process with most girls now how do you think it will be for us after you leave?"

Life will go on but will be different. I do not believe the Principal or the teachers have a good understanding of our journey together over the last six months. Most girls are aware of the change that is happening but I think some are denying it.

It is hard on both sides but the similarities between us leaving and a death in the family are very similar. The big difference is that we know when the death is going to occur so we need to make sure that we have said and done all that we want to before that date.

Now that we have been through the process with all of you we are trying to get time with the Principal so that the teachers are made aware of it.

Everyone in the Hostel needs to look after each other and watch out for behaviour changes and help each other through it. We will have exactly the same problems as we leave.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Question 16

agr's question: "What is the importance of Community living in Australia and how well has that been achieved?"

I think it is becoming less and less important as the years roll on. Nowdays people seem to live more for themselves and don't care about their neighbour.

Increased population, more unit living, lack of contact erodes relationships. People seem to be too busy with their own pursuits and do not want to invest time in others.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Question 15

agr's question: "What places in Indian do you love?"

My knowledge is limited as apart from two weeks touring North India the rest of the time has been spent at the famous CSI Jessie Moses Matriculation and Senior Secondary School.

Jessie Moses has nice dirt that I walk in daily and has become my home so I am familiar with it and love it. I also love the Cafe Coffee Day on 3rd Avenue which has been the scene of daily ventures for good coffee.

As mentioned before you cannot go past the Taj Mahal for a truly spectacular historical place. A truly breathtaking place.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Question 14

agr's question: "How are Worship Services conducted in Australia?"

I first gave the traditional Australian answer "Very badly". The answer gave me that warm inner glow that I had missed for six months.

After spending 10 minutes with agr explaining sarcasm we got back to the question.

agr is used to the Church of South India service so with that as a base we looked at the elements contained in it and could see those same elements of worship being present in other churches in different forms.

It does not matter which continent you are on when you go to worship you have to remember it is not about you but about God.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Question 13

agr's question: "Why doesn't God stop bad things from happening to us?"

I still struggle to answer this without using what I consider glib religious jargon. I remember when Lynn was suffering and my starting point was "Why us" and at times even more selfishly "Why me" as if my life and relationship with God was some sort of guarantee against anything bad ever happening to me/us.

For me, now, I just don't see it in God's job description. His greatest desire is to bless us but we are too clever and find a myriad of ways to ignore His call to live in unity.

For me the question is more "Why don't I stop doing bad things to others and myself?"

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Question 12

agr's question: "Comparison and difference between Indian and Australian Education?"

Not being an education expert I have asked special guest Anna to respond.

Anna teaches at a High School.
I think the main difference is that there is more focus in Australia on the journey of education - learning for enjoyment, finding out about yourself and social interaction, whereas in India, the focus is on the outcome - learning for exams and assessment. There is a lot more assessment in Indian education and a lot more focus on learning things off by heart. In Australia, the assessment is not really about what you can remember, but what you can do with the information you have learnt.
And a response from John from a tertiary perspective.
I know little about higher education in India; what I do know of Australain higher ed is that reputation of the institution you choose to attend is important.
Secondly,the focus is very much on how to think, not what to think; certainly in the areas in which I work. There is a lot of attention given to written and spoken communication.