Saturday, July 25, 2009

Question 7

agr's question: "According to you, what would defile my soul?"

We chatted about our soul and spirit but eventually the real meaning of agr's question was "What is the most horrible thing I can do that God could not possibly forgive?"

When we reached this point it was clear to me that the thought was that we had to try and avoid doing things just in case we stumbled across something that was unforgivable. This is not a very helpful way to live - it is living in fear whereas God calls us to live a life of victory.

God's forgiveness is unconditional, I seek His forgiveness, repent and He forgives. God is in the forgiveness business, dispensing it with joy when we come to Him. That does not mean that we go through life doing what we like but instead our life is that journey of being Christ-like to those we meet.

So what happens if in this journey I stumble on this act that is unforgivable? Have I already committed it so my cause is lost?

It seems to me that I have a free will to do whatever I want so I can choose to seek forgiveness or I can reject God's forgiveness. Therefore for me the unforgivable thing is to reject God's offer of forgiveness. If I do that then there is nothing God can do about it as I have free will and He cannot forgive me unless I want to be forgiven.

Seeking God's forgiveness also means that I have to seek the forgiveness of those I have wronged. For me the God bit is so much easier than confessing to another person.

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