Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Question 3

agr's question: "Who is the Holy Spirit and have you ever experienced Him?"

Suffice to say agr and AM spent a considerable time talking about this question. agr's main point was how does she know the Holy Spirit. We talked about how does she know God the father and Jesus. We shared some experiences and how the Holy Spirit manifests himself in people's lives.

As usual the best help I could give her was to refer her to a book I had just finished. Just up the road there is a Catholic Church with a bookstore attached. Books are so cheap here that we do not know how we will bring all our purchases home.

Rush out and buy 'The Mystery of Pentecost' by Raniero Cantalamessa O.F.M.Cap. It is a series of four meditations starting with the interpretation given the mystery of Pentecost by Luke in Acts, John in his Gospel, and Paul in his letters (to quote the back page). I found it very enlightening and now agr is reading it. In Chennai it sells for 40 Rupees (AU$1.10). It is 80 pages and great reading. If you cannot get it let me know and I will bring a few extra copies home.

My apology for this short answer on such a great question but I don't want to turn these answers into long involved blogs. Get the book and read it - it is great.

1 comment:

  1. Me me me!!!! Please....I would like a copy of the book "The Mystery of Pentecost" please. Love from THE BEAR!!!!
