Saturday, August 1, 2009

Question 12

agr's question: "Comparison and difference between Indian and Australian Education?"

Not being an education expert I have asked special guest Anna to respond.

Anna teaches at a High School.
I think the main difference is that there is more focus in Australia on the journey of education - learning for enjoyment, finding out about yourself and social interaction, whereas in India, the focus is on the outcome - learning for exams and assessment. There is a lot more assessment in Indian education and a lot more focus on learning things off by heart. In Australia, the assessment is not really about what you can remember, but what you can do with the information you have learnt.
And a response from John from a tertiary perspective.
I know little about higher education in India; what I do know of Australain higher ed is that reputation of the institution you choose to attend is important.
Secondly,the focus is very much on how to think, not what to think; certainly in the areas in which I work. There is a lot of attention given to written and spoken communication.

1 comment:

  1. Indian schooling sounds like English schooling of fond [cough!] remembrance in the '50s & '60s.
